The Resource 2024 – Pamphlet

CMHI Publication

Industry wide

Some retailers specialize in the sale of existing manufactured homes. Since few manufactured homes are ever moved once delivered to an original foundation site, manufactured homes, even in land-lease communities, are sold on site and the space lease is transferred to the new homeowner.

Financial Institutions

A number of California financial service companies and their branch offices have loan programs for factory constructed homes. These institutions include banks, credit unions, mortgage corporations and commercial finance companies. These companies provide all types of consumer, conventional and government-backed financing for factory constructed homes.
A common method of financing manufactured homes is through a personal property installment loan. This can be arranged by the homebuyer directly with the financial institution. Terms range from 15 to 30 years.
Conventional real estate mortgages are also available for manufactured and factory-built homes when they are properly affixed to real property. Factory constructed homes are eligible f or insurance under government backed programs offered by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Veterans Administration (VA) and the Farm Home Loan Administration (FMHA).

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