CMHI provides effective representation and advocacy before State, Local and Federal governments. This activity is one of the Institute’s highest goals. CMHI provides liaison not only to legislative bodies like the State Legislature and City Councils, but also to regulatory bodies like the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Department of Transportation and local planning and building departments.

As a result, members can get up-to-the-minute information on legislative and regulatory action affecting their business. Exemplary achievements include sponsoring legislation that allows a manufactured home to be sited on any residential lot; establishment of fair development fee structures at the local government level; passage of state laws that reduce lenders’ risks; promotion of fair development standards for factory constructed housing communities and passage of legislation to allow manufactured home transportation on state highways.


CMHI provides effective representation and advocacy before State, local and federal governments. This activity is one of the Institute’s highest goals. CMHI provides liaison not only to legislative bodies like the State Legislature and City Councils, but also to regulatory bodies like the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Department of Transportation and local planning and building departments. As a result, members can get up-to-the-minute information on legislative and regulatory action affecting their business. Exemplary achievements include sponsoring legislation that allows a manufactured home to be sited on any residential lot; establishment of fair development fee structures at the local government level; passage of state laws that reduce lenders’ risks; promotion of fair development standards for factory constructed housing communities and passage of legislation to allow manufactured home transportation on state highways.


Regional Chapter meetings and seminars promote new ideas, strategies for success, industry trends, friendship and business. Division meetings allow each professional group within the factory constructed housing industry to meet and form successful strategies to advance the industry. Five separate divisions have been created: Manufacturers, Retailers, Financial Services, Suppliers and Developers/Community Owners. Quarterly board meetings offer members an opportunity to help the association’s leadership develop effective policies that allow the industry to grow. All members are invited to attend. CMHI’s annual meeting offers education and training relating to financing, land use, marketing, business management and new Federal and State legislation and regulations.


Expanding the market for factory constructed housing is our highest priority. Our Consumer Awareness Committee is dedicated to the fulfillment of this goal. CMHI has a member directory by division as well as current legislation information and stories of interest. This information can be found on our webpage at We can also be found on our Facebook page where we post industry events and reminders.


A trade association is unique in that it has the widest possible perspective on industry trends and outlooks. Because an association is free of competitive business challenges, association staff can give advice and referrals within it’s membership, a service that simply cannot be duplicated by any other organization.


Members have access to a wide range of industry information because CMHI maintains liaison and/or membership with several organizations, including: the Manufactured Housing Institute, Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association, the Golden State Home Owners League, the California Building Industries Association, Manufactured Housing Educational Trust and California Mobilehome Park Association.


Consumers contacting CMHI want to know who the home builders are, where they can see and buy one, how homes are financed and where a home can be sited. CMHI responds to these inquires by providing professional consumer literature and a regional membership list of homebuilders, retailers and financial institutions that can be found on our website.


CMHI is a clearinghouse of information about the factory constructed housing industry. CMHI updates member companies on government policies, marketing trends, public relations and technical matters by issuing newsletters, special bulletins, technical reports, brochures and direct advice. The Institute undertakes or sponsors research on key legislation and regulation issues affecting the industry.


ManuFacts – A bi-monthly newsletter focusing on recent events, legislation, regulation, local development activity and marketing information. Special Bulletins – Urgent fact-sheets that interpret complex events and regulatory decisions. Consumer Brochures – A variety of professionally-produced materials that promote the purchase of factory constructed homes. The Resource – An annual publication that updates business statistics, marketing trends, construction data and consumer demographics for the previous year as well as the next.


CMHI identifies public issues and perceptions and develops programs to help build relationships with the public, the press and local decision makers. CMHI staff also helps individual companies respond to local issues raised by the media.


The California Manufactured Housing Political Action Committee was established to support state and local elected officials who understand the industry. The CMHPAC is funded by voluntary contributions from member companies and individuals.

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